Tuesday, 6 May 2014

IDENTITY AND COMMUNITY: investing in the local economy

Still in the same area of Rome, just in front of the old slaughterhouse, it has been built the new local market. This project together with the previous projects we have seen contribuite to make this neighbourhood requalify.

In this case it’s not just about the market because the project houses also a small hotel, permanent shops, a job centre for young users and training rooms.

Also, just below the market it is possible to see ancient romans ruins. I think that a project like this, with all this activities together, could be a good reference for my project too.

New Market in Testaccio, Marco Rietti Architect, Rome, 2012

SOURCE: http://www.puntarellarossa.it/site/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/2.jpg

SOURCE: http://alcoritalia.wordpress.com/2011/07/19/nuovo-mercato-di-testaccio-roma/

SOURCE: http://places.designobserver.com/feature/rome-monte-testaccio-landfill-

SOURCE: http://www.desideratadomus.it/il-nuovo-mercato-di-testaccio.html

Thursday, 1 May 2014

IDENTITY AND COMMUNITY: investing in the local economy

In the same slaughterhouse, the City of Rome hosts also a local market of farmers who work around the city and have the possibility to come here once a week during the weekend to sell their products. In this way all the costs of transportation are cutted off.

In my neighbourhood there is a lot of cultivated areas and farms that could have the possibility to take advantage of a place where they can sell their products locally.

SOURCE: http://www.chefcecio.it/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/farmers-market.jpg

SOURCE: http://tavoleromane.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/mercatogarbatella_pic02.jpg

SOURCE: http://giovanimpresa.coldiretti.it/content/uploads/2014/03/P1050146-e1394025688250-780x480.jpg

Wednesday, 30 April 2014


Big Bambù installation, Mike and Doug Starn, MACRO museum, Rome, 2012

SOURCE: http://museomacro.org/sites/default/files/styles/article/public/Big%20Bambu_ph%20Mike%2BDoug%20Starn_7590_hr%20-%20Copia.jpg?itok=E_FSJ1vx

This project is located at the entrance of the MACRO museum in Rome. This museum was born by the refurbishment of a part of a big slaughterhouse where there is also the school of Architecture of Roma Tre University. 
As it is possible to see from the picture, the Big Bambù stands out like a real landmark in this part of Rome and, due to my personal experience, I can also say that since it is there the museum has become really important and like a benchmark for tourists. You can also go up and appreciate a really nice view of Rome. 

Keeping in mind the huge different between this urban context and the one I’m going to design on, I think that my project should represent a kind of Landmark for people that are going to use and live it, so that it becomes a real meeting point, with the same strenght of a public square.

SOURCE: http://www.giardininviaggio.it/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/big-bamboo-001-allingresso-del-Macro-Testaccio.jpeg

SOURCE: http://www.designboom.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/big_bambu04.jpg


Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Introduction to the research: Take back the City

The intention is working on:


A Landmark
- designing a meeting and focus point that peolple can recognize and identify with;
Investing in the local economy
- making people understand where they live and what surrounds the area, valuing local traditions and investing in the local economy;
Community activities
- making people take part to community activities, considering the possibility to use old and existing structures/spaces to support the knowledge of sustainability among people;
Linking the City
- what kinds of links/connections (fisical or not) between the design area and the big main city and/or the surrounding it’s possible to use;


Complementary spaces
- playing areas for childs and spaces for old people where they can spend time together socializing; also, spaces where parents can meet in appropriate meeting spaces;
Job centre
- job organisations/centres for young people and training spaces;
Meeting spaces
- giving people spaces to discuss both communal issues and private ones (e.g., parents wanting to organize a show for their childern);
Community services
- what identify this neighbourhood, what interests people have in common and services they need here;

- art research and diffusion are an important factor to bring interest to people of all ages and so give cultural services to the city;
Complementary education
- e.g. museums and cultural activities are a possible solution to the demand of cultural spaces and may be also agood way to create interest in people living outside the city considered for the project;
Sport education
- sport facilities;
Cultural diffusion
- newspaper and periodical libraries /local libraries