At the same time, analyzing more deeply the landscape of the site, I was trying to use and take the most from it, not only to link the building to this place and only this one, but also to obtain what I rally wanted for the house itself.
At the stage of my process I manage to find a possible solution looking among a lot of projects, even with totally different kinds of landscape and the MAVA's house by Gubbins Architects, together with the last project that I have described in the last post, helped me a lot.
Pablo Montecinos
Like it can be seen from the picture, the architects of this project did a sort of loggia for the entrance of the house, composed by two volumes. This entrance hosts the cars park and allow to hide them due to the presence of what looks like a massive volume just above it. The truth is that what we see like wood panels are not walls but work like a balustrade for the beatiful view to the sea. And even the wood paviment above the entrance makes the light come trough it. Just beside the open garage there is the entrance so it is quite hidsen and protected from winds and different waether conditions.
Despite the site is totally different from the kind of forest in which I'm designing the family house I was thinking to use the same kinds of materials that they used here: concrete and wood. Concrete because I think that it's the best for this kind of building related to different slopes and trees roots that can always contact the walls and push them. And the wood because, for me, it creates again a sort of junction with nature.
Gubbins Arquitectos
Pablo Montecinos
Gubbins Arquitectos
Pablo Montecinos